Custom Mechanical Evaporators
Through the research and task of creating a superior evaporator, the engineers at RWI Enhanced Evaporation rewrote the book on evaporation, the depth of our knowledge allows us to design custom mechanical evaporators for your specific requirement. Beyond the typical “off the shelf” versions of evaporators, our custom mechanical evaporators can handle the most demanding applications. From a single unit to high volume outdoor towers, if you need wastewater disposed of, we can make it happen.

Enhanced Evaporation Equipment
RWI Enhanced Evaporation offers three enhanced evaporation equipment options in the forms of Ballistic trajectory with our Landshark 2.0 model, our Downdraft Pond Surface evaporation with the APEX 2.0 model, or our sprayer-less wastewater evaporator with PittBoss™. There is a wide variety of choices and configurations to meet the most challenging evaporation requirements to fit all regulatory constraints you may face.