Distillery & Winery Processed and Wastewater Treatment Systems

As more municipalities move toward zero discharge, the fermentation and distillation industries are pushed toward zero discharge regulations as well. RWI Enhanced Evaporation offers a wide variety of choices and configurations for our winery & distillery evaporation equipment to meet the most challenging applications and to fit all regulatory constraints you may face.

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Benefits of RWI Enhanced Evaporation Technology

RWI Enhanced Evaporation designs and manufactures winery and distillery wastewater evaporation equipment and is built to handle the challenges of the smaller footprint spaces distilleries and wineries often find themselves facing for their wastewater destruction requirements. Our winery wastewater evaporators and distillery wastewater evaporators offer:

  • Excellent low sound impacts and an optional sound deadening blanket to further reduce the white noise sound decibel
  • Evaporation of the wastewater provides a viable alternative solution to not having access to sewer systems
  • cost-effective method for water disposal



Vinter's Humidification Solutions

RWI’s humidification systems are the most efficient systems on the market for winery applications. The 2.0 series can handle humidification of:

  • Aging Sheds
  • Tasting Rooms
  • Storage
  • Barrel Houses

The benefits of RWI’s humidification systems are controlling industry “angel share” losses, improved barrel conditions, and greatly enhancing wine quality and consistency to help ensure greater financial performance. Protect vineyard crops from damage from both extreme heat and freezing conditions with RWI's humidification systems. This equipment is also available for rental!

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Spray Drift Control

3x Convective Dilution, Velocity control for
droplet trajectory and droplet size control.
Surface tension control for proper wetting
of soil or foliage.

Corrosion Resistant Material

Stainless steel construction, Stainless steel
fasteners, Stainless steel guards, Composite
inlet cone and Impeller, Marine grade

Cost Effective Solution

A cost-effective humidification method for
the barrel houses could slash angel share
losses from 8% to 4% per year. More yield,
better consistency.

Winery & Distillery Freeze Protection

Join RWI at Wine Expo in Sonoma County Dec 2021


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Explore Our Product Selection:

RWI Enhanced Evaporation offers two options in the forms of Ballistic trajectory with our Landshark 2.0 model or Down draft Pond Surface evaporation with our APEX 2.0 model.


How Can We Help You?

Give us a call at +1 (970) 245-7104 or use the following form to contact us with your questions or comments.
