Concrete Washout & Curing Evaporation

RWI Enhanced Evaporation’s wastewater evaporators are built to handle the challenges of the smaller footprint portability for concrete washout wastewater volume management as well as the larger spaces batch plants or concrete plants require for wastewater destruction requirements.

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RWI Enhanced Evaporation Technology

The concrete industry brings several challenges to the wastewater evaporation industry. Both concrete washout and concrete curing require the use of the RWI Enhanced Evaporation's 2.0 series water evaporators.

The process of concrete washout will find the portability of the Landshark 2.0 and APEX 2.0 evaporator units an easy way to evaporate concrete wash water pits/containers to keep volumes under control. Furthermore, with regulation toward zero discharge for batch plants/batching plants or concrete plants, evaporation provides a solution for the batching plant's wastewater produced.



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